Definitely #1 for me! I’m not great at asking for help and it’s for a similar reason to what you wrote about. I always think I can get it done better and faster if I do it myself. It’s a horrible way to be and I try to break the habit, but it doesn’t always work and then I end up feeling life I’m just trying to please everyone else alllllll the time. Thanks for the reminder to work on this, Cassie! ❤️

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Ahhh, I feel you on all of this! Especially as a freelance writer, so much or what you do is all on you and there aren't many opportunities for outsourcing.

If you do want to give it a go, I recommend playing around with it in small low stakes places to try it out for size. Eg. Can you ask a friend to pick you something up on the way somewhere? Can you ask your partner to wash the dishes even if you're right there?

It's funny how it can feel so uncomfortable to ask these things, but the worst thing they can say is no! And that's good, too, we all need more opportunities to stand up for ourselves and also to ask for what we want. It makes for stronger, more open relationships, although it's funny how awkward it can be to get started, especially after a lifetime of chronic independence and/or people pleasing! 💜

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Those are all great tips, Cassie! I’ll see if my boyfriend can do the dishes tonight. Hehe.

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Just don't tell him you find it relaxing 😂😂😂🙈

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It’s too late! He already. knows this about me. LOL

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Maybe get him to make you a cappuccino instead 😂

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But then it won’t be the way I like it! LOL We could go on and on here. hahaha

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Beautiful words, as always. I love the images; always a delight for the eye, and your website looks great. I found it easy to navigate and inviting to check out different sections. xx

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Thank you so much!! It always takes me so much longer than I think trying to find photos for these posts. Sometimes I think I’d love to edit them up properly and make them even more beautiful, but even finding them feels like enough of an achievement for now, haha! Thank you so much for checking out my website and giving me all the warm fuzzies to kick off this Monday! Really appreciate it and you :) xx

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Villages are so, so important. Much more than our individualistic societies let us know. And the next-level damaging belief is: don't get attached to anyone.

I've experienced the burden of no village when I most needed one, and also the joy and *relief* of having a village, how empowering it is to become the best you can be.

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