cassie, it’s like you’re reading my thoughts. i’ve recently had similar breakthroughs about the way that life is its own creative project that requires so much labor and investment: no wonder our silly little lovely art projects get neglected! living is tiring lol. but i got back from a stint abroad and am equal parts exhausted and energized by the experience of being immersed in new surroundings, like it was definitely overstimulation city™️ for a lot of the time, but now all i want to do is create things and process those emotions, experiences, sights, sounds, etc. what is the saying? life imitates art? so true in many ways, big and small. excited for this series!! ♥️

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Thanks Cana! So grateful for you sharing your thoughts around this too. As creatives it's funny how we can be so zoomed in and focused on the physical act of creating and the creative process that we can't see the big picture - that our lives are our best creation! I love that you're seeing this too, especially after returning from an immersive and transformative experience like travel/living overseas.

That said, as creatives too, I think creating can be our best way of processing all these things and making sense of the world/our world - and then we can use that better understanding to create better lives for ourselves within it, too. Like a bottom-up and top-down approach. A creative sandwich if you may 😂

Hopefully that makes sense. I'm so excited for it too! I hope the rest of the series resonates, I think the post I just sent out (beginner's mindset) might help you integrate some of those potentially jarring travel-meets-home experiences too. Try seeing it all with fresh eyes; it's the main thing that has consistently helped me through those situations! 💜💫

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